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July 2024

Fix broken ethernet jack tab: rjclip

The little plastic tab that holds ethernet jacks in place can break off. For standard RJ45 cables and jacks that's not a big deal. It's easy enough to cut off the old jack and crimp-on a new one.

Plastic tab that broke off an ethernet jack
Plastic tab that came off an RJ45 ethernet jack

There are however some nice flat-band ethernet cables that are impossible to re-do at home. The wires are too thin. I was therefore rather frustrated when the tab broke off my nice flat-band gigabit ethernet cable.

Looking for solutions I found RJClip: https://www.rjclip.com/

Ethernet jack repaired with RJclip
Ethernet jack repaired with RJclip

You can buy these on ebay and rjclip.com has a re-seller list on their website.

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