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September 2024

never forget: September 9th, 2021

Hopefully we will one day have an official remembrance day for September 9, 2021 but in the meantime we can all take a moment to reflect on the significance of this day. Others have already published very good articles to commemorate September 9, 2021 and I invite you to read those:

It still sends a chill down my spine when I listen to President Biden lying through his teeth. The ground for those lies had been carefully prepared by various media companies. It was all driven by monetary incentives from big Pharma and the involved government agencies. In Canada the government had been running pharmaceutical add campaigns, something that is illegal in this country.

Many have not been able to see through the lies and fell into the well prepared trap. As a result some suffered direct consequences and died suddenly. Others are already suffering or will be suffering from a variety of health issues. It's astounding that millions could be lured into this.

People have called for a "Nuremberg 2.0" but this remains probably a dream. The original Nuremberg trial was the result of different empires fighting each other. Covid-19 was no such battle and it's not clear if any of the involved empires (USA, China, ...) can declare victory.

How many of the following points did we check?

10 stages of genocide
10 stages of genocide (source: vigilantfox)


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