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Sourdough bread

I love real sourdough bread but I have always bought it and never dared to make it myself. Philippe Le Toquin (https://plus.google.com/+PhilippeLeToquin/posts, http://twitter.com/GoodOldBread) makes some really amazing bread and I decided to give it a try.

It turns out to be really easy. As with any fermentation process one just needs a bit of patience and time.

Sourdough starter

The yeasts and the lactobacilli bacteria needed for this process are naturally on the grains and in the air around us. You don't need any kit or commercial sourdough starter. You need organic whole grain flour (unbleached wheat flour, no baking soda or vitamins added) and chlorine free water. If you have trouble finding flour that is not messed-up then just buy organic wheat grains and grind a hand full with a coffee grinder. Chlorine free water can be obtained by boiling tap water and letting it cool down over night or by using a water filter (Brita filter).

Sourdough starter on day 3

Take 90% of the sourdough starter mixture to make the bread and use the rest to maintain the starter. Keep feeding the starter to make more bread in future. You can store the starter mixture now in the fridge. This will slow down the fermentation process and at fridge temperature it's enough if you feed it once a week.

Baking sourdough bread

Use the sourdough starter mixture (keep a small portion aside for future use) and add more flour, some water and a little bit of salt to make a nice dough. You could add other grains too (Rye flower, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, ...).

Adding more flower to make sourdough bread dough

Shape it like a bead loaf and store it in a cool place for twenty-four hours (the vegetable compartment of your fridge is OK). You will notice that the loaf increases a bit in size. It's now ready for baking.

Sourdough bread

Sourdough bread

Good sourdough bread tastes great and keeps much longer than bread made with yeast from the supermarket. It takes time but it is fun too and it is a much healthier alternative. The fermentation process involved in sourdough produces a bread that is easy to digest for the human body.

Some people think that all those gluten and food allergies are linked to the assembly line production of fluffy bread in factories. It has resulted in food that is really not good for our digestion. Check the label on your supermarket bread. It contains all kind of additives and preservatives. This home made sourdough bread contains just water, flour some salt and lots of time. It tastes great.

Rye breads

Rye flour makes really nice bread. Just replace all or a portion of the wheat flour by rye flour.

Rye flour

When you make your own bread then you might as well try something more exotic. Try combinations that one can not buy in a supermarket. Here is a dark rye and sauerkraut bread. Not for everybody but very nice with sausage:

Rye sauerkraut bread


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