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September 2021

The Covid-19 vaccines - A timeline.

This article is updated as new milestones emerge...

Nov 17, 2020:

Nov 2020: Immunity to coronavirus may last years, new data hint

Feb. 21, 2021:

Feb. 2021: Pfizer vaccine close to 99 percent effective

July 7, 2021:

govexec.com, July 2021: Covid-19 Vaccines Likely Activate Strong, Lasting Immunity

Aug 18, 2021:

CNBC, Aug 2021: U.S. will begin wide distribution of Covid boosters shots next month, saying vaccine protection wanes over time

Aug 26, 2021, hate speech:

I have always been wondering how death cults work. It's almost incomprehensible that people work on their own demise while believing they are doing something good. These weeks have provided me with a excellent understanding of how this works. Powerful leaders are required and the messaging is totally controlled. The few bits truth that dissidents are able to get through are then ignored by the cult members because it is opposite to their understanding (which is entirely based on propaganda coming via the leader's organization). So finally this cult destroys itself believing that they are doing the right thing. The leader gets amplified by the members who are admiring him and he feels very happy. This encourages the leader to do even crazier things and cause more harm. The situation becomes very difficult for everybody who is not in the cult because what is true and what is false is now inverted in the eyes of the cult members. They start to attack those that speak truth because in the cult's eyes that is false. We are seeing this now everywhere.

A once liberal newspaper ...
Aug 26, 2021: the toronto star

Journalists many not know much about medicine but should understand what such words do. The irony is probably that most of those who end up in the ICU are injected. Jabbed means not vaccinated until 14 days later. Everybody who ends up in hospital right after the injection is counted as "unvaccinated". It's a big deception and I know people who needed medical attention after the injection. My own mother got sick with a kind of flu (covid) within days of her last injection. These are the "unvaccinated". It's propaganda of the worst kind.

Sep 12, 2021:

NPR, Sep 2021: COVID-19 Vaccine May Be Only 50% Effective

update: Sep 13, 2021: no mandates for the US Congress

President Joe Biden says all federal employees will have to be vaccinated and weekly tests are not an option to get out of taking the shot. Why is Congress exempt from the Biden COVID vaccine mandate?

Why is Congress exempt from the Biden COVID vaccine mandate?, source: poynter.org

update: Dec 8, 2021:

President of Bayer pharmaceuticals admits that the so called mRNA-vaccines are gene therapy. If we had surveyed the public two years ago "would you be willing to take a gene or cell therapy and inject it into your body?" we probably would have had a 95% refusal rate. Solution: call it "vaccine".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGQ0YiLwysU, Stefan Oelich

It's still a novel and untested drug no matter the name. Anything is possible. Nobody knows.

update: Dec 23, 2021:

Ontario COVID-19 cases by vaccination status, Dec 23, source: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

update: May 1, 2022: DEATHVAX

All cases of death ever reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).
All vaccine related death over time, https://vaers.hhs.gov/index.html

This is the most deadly vaccine ever. Safe and effective?

update: June 22, 2022, Denmark: vaccinating kids was a mistake

The danish director of the National Board of Health says vaccinating kids for covid was a mistake. We have become wiser, and we would not do the same today.

source: https://nyheder-tv2-dk.translate.goog/samfund/2022-06-22-set-i-bakspejlet-fik-vi-ikke-meget-ud-af-at-vaccinere-boernene-erkender-brostroem

update: June 27, 2022

Phil Harper wrote an excellent analysis of the Pfizer "vaccine" efficiency. It shows how they presentend less than 1% efficiency as "95% efficient". We got only recenly access to this data but public health officials had it all along.

See: https://philharper.substack.com/p/pfizer-documents-show-pfizer-made


local pdf copy of the above Phil Harper article, 2.3MB

update: June 30, 2022

Dr Tess Lawrie: "Mothers, fathers, your children are in danger".
see: https://drtesslawrie.substack.com/p/how-did-needles-become-so-normal

When government officials, big pharma CEOs and public health policymakers tell you these shots are safe and effective, they are lying.

Healty children don't die from Covid-19 but these injections have killed many.

update: July 22, 2022

Of 29 pregnant women that had received Pfizer's COVID-19 injection, only one had a baby that lived. This what you can read in the "5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports" on page 12. Those injections seem to be more effective than the abortion pill. The Pfizer study had 238 more pregnancies for which the data is missing (why?).

Pfizer trial: known pregnancy outcomes
Pfizer trial: known pregnancy outcomes

As we speak major government organizations do still recommend the COVID-19 injections for pregnant women.

The CDC recommends it for everybody including pregnant women

Canada recommends it for pregnant women and sees no safety concerns

Need an abortion? Try the covid vaccine. (Texas, USA)

For more details see also https://www.nutritruth.org/single-post/confidential-pfizer-docs-reveal-90-of-covid-vaccinated-pregnant-women-lost-their-baby-but-pfizer and https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/of-29-pregnant-women-that-had-received

update: July 30, 2022

The pharma industry uses a tactic first pioneered by the tobacco industry to create fake science and promote their product.
See: https://rumble.com/v1d4es7-july-21-2022.html, Dr. Pierre Kory's stunning interview conducted during the Better Way Conference in Brazil.

The vaccines are promoted with a tactic first pioneered by the tobacco industry (1930).

It took several decades until the general public started to understand who really benefits from smoking. If you follow the "*" on the above poster then you can already see the role that fact-checking plays to both re-enfore the statement and to distract people.

update: Aug. 4, 2022, DEATHVAX strikes again

Pfizer stopped the animal testing because the animals kept dying. This is from a May 6, 2022, Texas Senate testimony, committee on state affairs:

Source: see minute 43 https://tlcsenate.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?r=rmh4y&view_id=49&clip_id=15926

Doctors in Toronto have recently received their 4th shot. Six of them died within two weeks:

Human testing continues.

For more information see https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/in-memory-of-those-who-died-suddenly-c81, in memory of those who "died suddenly".

update: Aug. 14, 2022, another datapoint on pregancies: 44% ended in miscarrages, Pfizer tried to hide it

Forty-Four Percent of the Pregnancies in a Pfizer Study Ended in Miscarriages. Pfizer Misleadingly Reclassified Them

Another pregnancy study by Pfizer: 44% of the Pregnancies Ended in Miscarriages, Pfizer tried to hide it.

update: Aug. 22, 2022, Dr. Naomi Wolf on the FLCCC weekly update

Post-Vaccine Fertility, Political Homelessness and Censorship: FLCCC Weekly Update (August 17, 2022).

A breath taking interview!:

update: Aug. 21, 2022, Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg

75 years Nuremberg code was marked August 20, 2022. Vera Sharav gave an outstanding speech:

Read: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/vera-sharav-nuremberg-code-speech-germany/

Watch: https://rumble.com/v1gtl0n-vera-sharav-speech-at-nuremberg-75.html

Video: Vera Sharav Speech at Nuremberg 75

To see the actual Nuremberg Code go to https://nuremberg75.com/ and go to https://ahrp.org/ for the web site of the Alliance for Human Research Protection of which Vera Sharav is the president.

update: Aug. 31, 2022, a Medical Journal is waking up to the reality

The first journal has published a peer reviewed article confirming that the Covid-19 injections of both Pfizer and Moderna cause more harm than good (negative efficiency). The article is based on trial data by both companies.

Some people have experienced this them self and understood it for many month but it is still significant that this is now officially reviewed and confirmed. We can expect that mass media will be paid to obfuscate the facts but it is still important to have this document. Anybody still requiring injections could potentially be liable for knowingly injuring people and mandating death to some.

negative efficiency officially confirmed: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X22010283 , local pdf copy

For both Pfizer and Moderna the excess risk of serious adverse events was higher than the risk reduction for COVID-19 hospitalization compared to the placebo group.

update: Sep. 19, 2022, amazing work by Dr Naomi Wolf and her team of volunteers

Destroying Women, Poisoning Breast Milk, Murdering Babies; and Hiding the Truth:

Destroying Women, Poisoning Breast Milk, Murdering Babies; and Hiding the Truth: https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/destroying-women-poisoning-breast

The above article is a must read. Regular updates on the analysis of the Pfizer documents can be found at:

update: Sep. 24, 2022, What's VAIDS?

The Covid shots are weakening your immune system. This has been known for a long time and actively covered-up by media and fact checkers. Now it's so apparent that one can see this every day. The supposed remedy has become the poison. Pfizer's Albert Bourla seems to have VAIDS (Vaccine Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Will he be able to to strengthen his immune system and overcome the problem?:

Bourla has Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS)

It's not normal to get repeated infections within several weeks with similar virus strains. If this happens then this is the result of a weakened immune system, vaccine driven viral tolerance and vaccine enabled disease enhancement (aka ADE).

update: Sep 29, 2022, Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion, Oracle Films

A hightly recommended documentary: https://rumble.com/v1lwbgs-safe-and-effective-a-second-opinion-2022-oracle-films-news-uncut.html

This film is really an eye opening documentary about the Covid-19 shot.

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. The film looks at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in suppressing free and open debate on the subject.

update: Oct. 6, 2022, Dr. Aseem Malhotra

Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a UK TV doctor. It took the "sudden death" of his own father to figure out what many have know for month: The covid injections are a scam and have never worked (even according to Pfizer's own data: https://phmpt.org/pfizers-documents/ and https://dailyclout.io/category/campaigns/pfizer-documents-analysis/ This is data that the FDA/CDC wanted to hide for 75 years).

Dr Aseem Malhotra tweet
Dr Aseem Malhotra tweet: https://twitter.com/DrAseemMalhotra/status/1577895492264116225

update: Oct. 28, 2022, more likely to die

CNN, Tue January 26, 2021:
cnn Jan 2021
cnn Jan 2021

WP, Wed October 19, 2022:
WP Oct 2022
wp Oct 2022

update: Oct. 31, 2022, It's not the covid vaccine!


update: Apr. 23, 2023, both Pfizer and the FDA knew of infant death and miscarriages

Pfizer and the FDA knew of infant death and miscarriages but they stated the opposite in public:

A review of a recently released Pfizer report, ... thoese reports that they tried to hide for 75 years

update: August 1, 2023, The Very Best of Cheap Trick... by Martin Neil and Norman Fenton

Side effects, death or disease in the first two weeks after vaccination was always attributed to the "unvaccinated". This cheap trick resulted in the illusion of high vaccine efficacy numbers. Defraud customers and blame the problems on those that did not take it.
The Very Best of Cheap Trick...
The Very Best of Cheap Trick...

update: Dec. 6, 2023, Karma

Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old Canadian business journalist, died December 5, 2023. He worked as a reporter and editor at the Financial Post and he promoted not only the Covid-19 vaccine, but advocated also for vaccine passports and the firing of those who refused the jab. He suggested that unvaccinated people should be arrested and taken away to concentration camps. Ian had been in hospital since Nov. 18 and his cause of death remains undisclosed. Journalists may be just useful idiots when they promote a new mRNA technology without knowing anything about it but they can fully understand the social consequences of their words.

Ian Vandaelle taking a Pfizer covid shot
Journalist Ian Vandaelle taking a Pfizer covid shot, source: Ian's twitter account

update: Jan. 16, 2024, Is Novavax safe?

Tim Hahn, Senior Vice President of Novavax died suddenly Dec.18, 2023.

Novavax: in memoriam, Tim Hahn
In memoriam Tim Hahn, Novavax

update: Jan. 20, 2024, Prenatal Exposure to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 Induces Autism-Like Behaviors in Male Neonatal Rats

Concerns have arisen about the potential neurodevelopmental implications:
https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11064-023-04089-2, local pdf copy
COVID vax linked to Autism
COVID vax linked to Autism: male rats exhibited pronounced autism-like behaviors

Screenshot of Canada.ca, 2024-01-20
Screenshot: Benefits of COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy

Will we see a wave of pediatric neurological disorders?

update: Jan. 22, 2024, Journalist who cancelled Novak Djokovic in 2022 died suddenly during the 2024 Austrialian Open

Mike Dickson collapsed during the 2024 Austrialian Open and died suddenly (Jan. 17, 2024).

Mike Dickson played an important role in a massive 2022 media campaign to destroy the image of the Serbian tennis player Novak Djokovic. Djokovic was removed from the tournament and had his travel visa revoked upon his arrival in Melbourne. Novak Djokovic had a clean bill of health and a vaccine exemption. It was also known in 2022 that the covid vaccine did not prevent transmission or disease.

dailymail report on Novak Djokovic by Mike Dickson, Jan 16, 2022
dailymail report on Novak Djokovic by Mike Dickson, Jan 16, 2022

ausopen.com reported the sudden passing of Mike Dickson:
Mike Dickson died suddenly during the Austrialian Open, exactly 2 years after he advocated for the removal of Novak Djokovic
Mike Dickson died suddenly during the Austrialian Open, exactly 2 years after he advocated for the removal of Novak Djokovic

update: April. 03, 2024, Reflection on the last four years by Dr. Clare Craig

Dr. Clare Craig published an amazing summary of what she experienced during the last 4 years:
(local pdf copy: Reflection_on_the_last_four_years_-_Dr_Clare_Craig.pdf, size 36M).

The article is somewhat akin to what this "Covid-19 vaccines time-line" shows but her article is much more detailed and Dr. Craig is from a different country. You can see how lies don't always align despite massive censorship and coordination. A highly recommended article:

Reflection on the last four years by Dr. Clare Craig
Reflection on the last four years by Dr. Clare Craig, substack article

update: April. 21, 2024, UK Parliament speech: ... they are not vaccines at all, but genetically modified organisms that should have been subject to totally different regulatory conditions

Slowly bit by bit the truth is becoming public knowledge.

genetically modified organisms that should have been subject to totally different regulatory conditions
Neale Hanvey MP in the UK Parliament: GMO injections should have been subject to totally different regulatory conditions

update: April. 22, 2024, Cancer cases on the rise

Cancer cases are on the rise since 2021. The below chart is based on data from the American Cancer Society. The cancer has also become more aggressive. This is known as "turbo cancer", something not observed prior to 2021.

Cancer cases are on the rise since 2021
Cancer cases are on the rise since 2021, source theethicalskeptic.com

It has been known for a long time that DNA fragments in mRNA gene therapy cause cancer. Thanks to the work of Kevin McKernan and others we know also that the Covid Shots contain enormous amounts of DNA fragments. Moderna wrote in its 2014 patent "residual DNA in drug products may induce activation of the innate response and has the potential to be oncogenic" (oncogenic=cause cancer, US patent US10077439B2, 2014-03-13 patent filed, 2018-09-18 application granted).

update: May 3, 2024, limited hangout, partial truth: The New York Times

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them

Mainstream media has denied vaccine injury for the last few years. Victims were gaslit and silenced but change seems to be around the corner, slowly... If the title of the article was factual and about the US then it should should be Millions not Thousands but it's a start. This article would have been called "misinformation" just a few month ago.

Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?
Thousands Believe Covid Vaccines Harmed Them. Is Anyone Listening?

Minor update, May 18, 2024:
Both AMD and Igor Chudov analyzed the above NYT article:

update: June 5, 2024, more partial truth: Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths, The Telegraph

You might recall that politicians and media were just reporting "cases" until the vaccine came around. Only a few people died with a Covid infection and they had usually other contributing diseases. The massive increase in the death of previously healthy people came after the Covid vaccines were deployed. The Telegraph is now slowly admitting that this is indeed the case.

online version:
source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/04/covid-vaccines-may-have-helped-fuel-rise-in-excess-deaths/

update: June 30, 2024, Norman Fenton and Martin Neil: Italian study showing a reduction in life expectancy with increased covid vaccination

The study showed that, when health and age confounders are accounted for, the single and double doses of the vaccine have a detectable and negative effect on all cause mortality.


update: June 30, 2024, Former BC Premier John Horgan who rediculed those protesting COVID-19 mandates now diagnosed with cancer for 3rd time

Premier John Horgan knew very well that the protesters were very sincere about their cause and it was never a bunch or bored people who had no hobby or purpose in life.

His own case of turbo cancer shows how important this protest was.

John Horgan, March 2022
John Horgan, March 2022
John Horgan, June 2024
John Horgan, June 2024

update: July 28, 2024, The winnipeg sun: COVID cure was worse than the disease

COVID-19 policies caused all the excess mortality in the Covid period. More truth slowly seeping into mainstream...
COVID cure was worse than the disease
COVID cure was worse than the disease (click for a local pdf copy of the article)

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