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November 2021

Herbal wound balm

Over the years, I have experimented with all kinds of ointments and solutions to treat cuts, scrapes, and punctures in the skin. Strong antibiotics and disinfectants from the pharmacy are not only hurting and burning when applied to the wound but they are actually delaying the wound healing process. It seems to me that they also prevent our own cells in the blood from working effectively at the wound site.

I have achieved the best results with mild herbal ointments and plain tap water. If the wound is dirty, then rinse it quickly with tap water, apply the wound balm presented below, and protect it with a band-aid.

Calendula, Yarrow and Turmeric wound balm

This is really the best wound treatment balm. You can grow the herbs in your own garden or buy them. Yarrow is a well known wound treatment. It reduces bleeding. Turmeric is an antiseptic and Calendula has a calming and soothing effect.

herbal wound treatment salve made from the herbs Calendula, Yarrow and Turmeric
Dried herbs: Calendula, Yarrow and Turmeric. Turmeric powder is a very common kitchen spice.

Steps to make the salve:
  1. Dry the herbs.
  2. Put some Calendula flowers, Yarrow flowers and leaves, as well as Turmeric powder in a jar and cover the herbs with olive oil. Close the jar.
  3. Wait 6 weeks. Turn the jar every few days to move the oil a bit.
  4. Strain the oil into a new jar and add some bee's wax. Measure the oil volume and divde it by 8. This is the volume in bee's wax that you need to get a nice salve (about 1/8 of the oil volume in bee's wax).
  5. Heat the oil and bee's wax in a double boiler. Basically, you are heating the bee's wax and the oil in a not so aggressive way. The water will only reach a temperature of 100'C. This is more gentle than heating the oil and wax directly on the stove.
  6. Poor the warm mixture into a small jar or pot for storage and use.
  7. It's good for about 3 years if you keep it in a cool place.

This salve has a strong yellow color because of the Turmeric. It's not usable as a general skin salve because it stains the skin, but this is OK for wound treatment. The yellow stains disappear after a few days. This salve reduces the amount of bleeding. It is also calming and reduces inflammation. It allows the wound to heal more quickly and without scars. Note that this is not for very large, open wounds. This balm is for small cuts and bruises.

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