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Bonjour! We arrived in Montréal in the end of July 2003. At
the beginning it seemed that everything that could go wrong
with our apartment actually did go wrong: When we arrived
after a long and delayed flight we were told that the
apartment that we were supposed to get wasn't available. The
one we then moved in at first was absolutely tiny so when all
our stuff arrived two days later we had to put it in a
storage room instead that promptly was flooded with water after
the next rain shower... I can tell you that I was close to
taking the next plane home...
Luckily I didn't -- Thanks to Aniko, a truly wonderful old
lady I
met in Westmount Park right after that. She really helped me
to feel at home and let me discover what a nice and beautiful
city Montréal really is!
LaTour McGill (1501 McGill College)
really like this all glass style and the cascading
roof! It's my favourite building here!
Mc Gill University
Art on Sherbrooke
Latin Quarter

St. Joseph Oratory
Westmount really is a very nice neighbourhood with lots of
beautiful houses. (By the way, you don't recognize that
these are all wooden houses, do you!?)
I really fell in love with Westmount Park. I met so
many wonderful people there, there are so many nice
memories. I'll never forget this place!

And I'll never forget Aniko, my first friend in Montréal who I first met in Westmount Park a few days after we arrived. Unfortunately she passed away on March 3, 2013 at the age of 76. R.I.P., Aniko! You are dearly missed!
Squirrels: My favourite inhabitants
Montréal-always something to celebrate:
Fête des enfants, Halloween, Christmas
Unfortunately we arrived too late for all the music
festivals. But there is always something to celebrate:
Fête des enfants (children's festival)
Christmas Parade
Montréal in winter
That's winter in Montréal:
The sun is always shining but it is dead freezing
Parks suddenly get new meaning: There are ice rinks everywhere
The squirrels always come out on a sunny day:
Ever wondered why the snow is gone after a short time
without the temperatures ever going up?! Here is why:
The Snow Festival, Fête des Neiges
Even in the deepest winter there is something to
Spring starts...
and it is already time to say good-bye...
Good-bye, Montréal!
Thank you for making my stay so wonderful! I'll never
forget this great time!
Copyright © 2004-2025 Katja Socher, tuxgraphics.org