Programmable 8-character LCD module and digital voltmeter
Our 3 digit LED digital voltmeter module has been quite successful
over the years. This new LCD module is basically an advanced version
with a lot more capabilities. You can power it with the same
voltage source that your signal is derived from. You can load your own
code into this module but it has even some nice features for people who
just need a voltmeter module and don't want to play with C-code.
_________________ _________________ _________________
Signal and power from the same voltage source
Most hobby electronics store carry cheap and ready to use digital voltmeter modules (DVM)
the problem with those is that they do usually require an independent
power source to power the DVM-module. Many circuits are made such that
you have one power supply and you would like to power your circuit and the
voltmeter module from this one single power supply.
This is exactly how you can use our 8-character LCD module and it saves you
a lot of headaches on the power supply side. The module can either be
powered with exactly 5V DC (without the voltage regulator installed) or
it can be powered with a DC voltage of 6.5V or more.
A display that works in the dark and in full sun light
We have used an LCD display that has back lighting but is at the same
time able to take advantage of any surrounding light sources. In other
words you get a module that works well in the dark and in full sun light.
The readability is very good.
Space for your own sensor and components
This module is not just a display. It has as well a dot-matrix area where
your can add your own components.
The dot matrix field on the 8-character DVM module, space for your own components
How can I program this 8 character display module?
The system has an atmega328p (or atmega328) chip and you can basically program it in
any way you like and make it do anything that a microcontroller can do:
Time events, read digital or analog signals, output digital signals,
interact with the users.
The display is 8 characters long and fully alphanumeric. You can display
letters, punctuation and numbers.
The possibilities are almost endless you just need to write the software
for it. We provide some basic examples in the download section at the
end of this article. You can take that code and use it to build your
own application.
A configurable DVM module: flexible with no need to write any software
You can write your own software for this module but it is optional.
It comes with software loaded and this default software covers a
wide range of applications.
The configurable DVM showing 12V with the unit Volt behind the numbers
We have noticed that a lot of user want to measure analog signals, run
them through some linear formula and then display the result. All our "8
digit LCD modules" come now with software per-loaded that allows you to
do such things without writing code. You just set a jumper wire and you
enter a setup mode where you can enter the parameters for a linear equation.
The equation you can configure is:
Display_value = Analog_to_digital_converter_output * M / D + A
M, D and A are configurable constants (M=multiply, D=divide, A=add or subtract). All math is done with integers
and from left to right in the above equation. You can as well configure
a parameter P which is the amount of digits behind the decimal point. In
other words you can e.g set P=2 which will then display 10 as 0.10 and
100 as 1.00 etc... The "Analog_to_digital_converter_output" is an integer
number that the analog to digital converter (ADC) provides and in this
case it is a number between zero and 4092 (12 bit with oversampling).
It is as well possible to optionally configure a short two character
string that will be shown behind the numbers in the display. This
can be used to display a measurement unit such as "mA" or "'C".
A configurable DVM module: Dual voltmeter
As of firmware version 1.1 this configurable digital voltmeter supports
the measurement of two voltages. Thus you can measure two different
signals: One analog signal on ADC0 and another one on pin ADC1.
This display can then be switched between the two channels:
- pin PD0 on CONN4 open: show readings from analog input ADC0
- pin PD0 on CONN4 connected to GND: show readings from analog input ADC1
Note that both analog channels (ADC0 and ADC1) have one common ground
A configurable DVM module: How to configure it
A configurable DVM module, no need to write any C-code
There is no computer required to change the linear equation that
has been programmed into this module. You just connect a temporary jumper
wire from the "setup" pin to GND and your power cycle the module.
The string "setup" appears in the display and your are in setup mode. By touching the "next" pin with a wire connected to GND you go through the different
configuration steps as shown in the below diagram.
setup pin -> GND at power on
module enters setup mode
next pin -> GND
module shows raw analog digital converter
ADC0 with 12bit accuracy. The display shows
"a0:" followed by numbers between 0 and 4092.
next pin -> GND
Module shows "D:" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the value for
the divider. Touch "+" or "-" with a GND
connected wire to step the value up or down
and connect the wire for a longer time to
fast scroll up or down.
next pin -> GND
Module shows "M:" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the value for
the multiplier. The handling is the same
as described above for "D:".
next pin -> GND
Module shows "A:" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the value for
the add or subtract constant.
The handling is the same as described above
for "D:".
next pin -> GND
Module shows "P:" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the value for
the amount of digits behind decimal point.
The handling is the same as described above
for "D:".
next pin -> GND
Module shows "c0:none" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the "none" into
a letter (can be used to display the
measurement unit).
Possible letters are one of the following:
Note: programming c0 to none means not showing
any units indepdent of what values are set for
c1 and c2. You should program c0 to a single space
character if you want a bit of space between the
digits and the measurement unit.
next pin -> GND
Module shows "c1:none" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the "none" into
a second letter (can be used to display the
measurement unit).
next pin -> GND
Module shows "c3:none" and you can use the
pins "+" and "-" to change the "none" into
a second letter (can be used to display the
measurement unit).
next pin -> GND
The values are stored permanently in
EEPROM and the module shows "done" in
the display. Power-cycle the module.
You can power off the module at any point in time to exist the setup.
This is e.g useful if you don't want to change any setting and you just
want to monitor the raw ADC0 or ADC1 readings.
To configure the formula for analog values read from ADC0 you leave
pin PD0 open. To configure the formula for from ADC1 you connect
PD0 to GND prior to entering the configuration mode. To use this as a
full dual voltmeter with two formulas you would enter setup mode (configuration mode) twice.
A configurable DVM module: How to dimension the hardware
The configurable DVM module allows you to measure anything that is linear
in nature
and display it in the desired unit. You could take an analog temperature
sensor (which produces a temperature dependent voltage) and show the
result on the display in 'C or 'F. You can use it to measure any
voltage and display it in Volt or any current and display it in Ampere.
Note: Be careful with voltages above 48V, those can be dangerous without proper
To do this the following simple steps are needed:
- Convert the DC input voltage to the right max. value. The ADC on the board works with voltages from 0 to 1.1V and whatever you measure needs to be electrically converted into that voltage range. If the max. expected voltage is higher tan 1.1V then a voltage divider (2 resistors) is required. If the max. expected voltage is much lower than 1.1V then an amplifier is required.
- Convert the integer numbers from the ADC (0-4092, 4092 instead of 4096 because we use oversampling to achieve 12bit accuracy) into the physical units that you like to display (voltage, temperature, pressure, ...). If a sensor is used then this step might requires knowledge about the conversion that happens in the sensor (e.g temperature to voltage).
- Display the measurement results.
The different conversion steps
A configurable DVM module: dimension voltage divider or pre-amplifier
If you need to reduce the voltage (e.g measure voltages from 0-10V) then
you will need to add a voltage divider. I suggest to add a capacitor
to filter out any noise especially the 50Hz/60Hz "power-line hum" that surrounds
us everywhere.
Voltage divider and noise filter. Any capacitor between 10nF and 100nF will work for this noise filter.
Click on the image for a pdf version.
We have created two javascript based calculators to help you find
the right values for the resistors in the voltage divider.
The first calculator works such that you just enter the max voltage
that you would like to measure and the calculator suggests resistors
based on the E12 resistor series:
Just enter the max voltage and the calculator computes suitable resistor values.
Click on the image to start the javascript based calculator.
The second calculator is more manual. You enter a resistor and the maximum
voltage and the calculator computes the other resistor or you enter two
resistor values and the calculator computes the maximum voltage that you can
measure. This calculator is very useful if you want to use parallel resistors
or two resistors in series to get in-between values which are not part of
the E12 series.
A general voltage divider calculator.
Click on the image to start the javascript based calculator.
An amplifier is needed if your expected max. input voltage is much smaller than 1.1V. The 8-character LCD module works internally with 5V power and there is a voltage regulator on
board that reduces any external supply voltage to 5V. You can use those five volts to power a small pre-amplifier circuit. This pre-amplifier can fit onto the
dot-matrix field of the 8-character LCD module.
A simple linear pre-amplifier that works with 5V DC.
Click on the image for a pdf version.
A configurable DVM module: configuring the linear equation
We have configured the hardware to provide the right signal level to
the board and now we just have to configure the linear equation such
that the display shows us whatever we want to measure in the right format.
The linear equation programmed into the configurable DVM module looks as follows and you can change the constants M,D and A as well as a parameter
P that defines the amount of digits behind the decimal point:
Display_value = Analog_to_digital_converter_output * M / D + A
The "Analog_to_digital_converter_output" is the input voltage
divided by the division factor that the voltage divider adds
(or multiplied by the gain of a possible pre-amp) times 4092/1.1V:
Display_value = Vin/Rdiv * 4092/1.1V * M / D + A
Vin = voltage before the voltage divider
Rdiv = the factor by which the voltage divider reduces the voltage: Rdiv=(R1+R2)/R2
This formula can now be used to select suitable values for M, D and A.
If there is a sensor involved then the conversion that this sensor
does needs to be added as a factor in the equation (e.g 1V/4'C for
A Temperature sensor, refer to the datasheet of your sensor).
A configurable DVM module: A few real world examples
First example: Measure voltages from 0-25V DC, show result with two digits behind the decimal point.
We add a suitable voltage divider that will convert 25V to a max of 1.1V
(the max. voltage that the analog to digital converter takes):
Voltage divider
To do this you open the above mentioned javascript based calculator in your web browser. You enter "25" and you press "calculate".
The calculator suggest ten different resistor combinations and you just
R1=180 KOhm, R2=8.2 KOhm, U1max=25.02V, resulting Ri=188.2 KOhm
R1=220 KOhm, R2=10 KOhm, U1max=25.07V, resulting Ri=230 KOhm
R1=270 KOhm, R2=12 KOhm, U1max=25.62V, resulting Ri=282 KOhm
For this example we will use: R1=220 KOhm, R2=10 KOhm.
The division factor is R1+R2/R2=23
We want to show the result with two digits behind the decimal point.
In other words we want to show the integer Display_value 100 for 1V input
and add a decimal point after two digits from the right. This value is
called P in the configuration dialog. In other words P=2.
There are two ways to calculate the calibration constants M, D and A.
One is a theoretical approach and the other one is a more practical and
measurement based approach. The measurement based approach is faster and
easier but we start with the theoretical approach.
To calculate M, D and A we look at equation mentioned the previous chapter
and fill in the numbers for e.g 1V of input:
100 = 1V/23 * 4092/1.1V * M/D +A
The "A" has to be zero since we don't want any offset (at zero volt we want
to show 0.00). That makes it easy to re-write the equation:
100 * 23/1V * 1.1V/4092 = M/D
Now we have to choose M and D and those have to be integer numbers.
You pocket calculator will tell you that 1/0.618 is 1.618. We can
e.g choose M=1000 and D=1618.
We have all the numbers we need for the configuration dialog:
Start the setup dialog on the display, fast scroll to the right
values and your are done (if you keep the wire connected to the pins for "+" or "-" then
the numbers scroll fast after a while).
Note that the microcontroller and all the resistors have tolerances. The
actual values could be 10% off. You might need to re-enter the configuration
dialog and adjust the numbers a bit up or down until the system
is calibrated.
Another way to do this is to connect the display to an actual voltage
with the voltage divider hardware already in place. In the first
setup step the display shows you the actual current reading from the ADC. Let's say
you have connected it to 20V DC and the ADC reading is 3234 (display shows "a0:3234"). In other words
you have to come up with a number combination M/D that converts 3234 into 2000 (20.00V).
2000=M/D * 3234
We get the same result as for the theoretical paper exercise above but you
might find this second method a lot easier and it requires less iterations.
The measurement based approach will give you immediately the right values
since it takes any tolerances in the components already into account.
Second example: Measure a current of 0-1A DC, show result in mA.
Ampere meters contain a low ohm resistor and the current is measured
by measuring the voltage drop over the resistor. Ampere meters
are therefore inserted into the wire and the current flows through
the ampere meter.
A 1 Ohm resistor produces a voltage drop of 1V at 1A. We will use a 1 Ohm
resistor here. Much smaller resistor values are possible but they
would require a pre-amplifier to maintain the full resolution and accuracy.
We will show the measurement results in mA.
The required setup for current measurements
The resistor R4 (anything between 10K and 100K) is needed to have an effective noise filter and to
protect the microcontroller from high voltages in case of an accidental
current spike through the 1 Ohm resistor.
The theoretical approach to determine the constants D, M, A, P would be
via the following formula:
Display_value= I*1Ohm * 4092/1.1V * M / D + A
I suggest however to use the more practical approach of reading out the
raw digital to analog converter values at a given current and then set
those constants (D, M, A, P) since it's faster and your system is
calibrated in just one iteration. P=0 since we don't show any decimal point.
A=0 since we do not need any offset from zero.
At a current of 1A we see the ADC reporting 3700.
We would like to display 1A as 1000mA (display should show 1000).
1000= D/M * 3700
A possible solution would be D=100 and M=370, A=0 and P=0
FAQ part
Can I measure only analog signals?
The display module comes loaded with software that allows you to perform
analog measurement (configurable DVM module software) but you can overwrite
it and load your own software. You can use it as a digital clock, a counter,
read digital sensors, ...
Can I get the display to show any number of digits behind the decimal point?
The display has only 8 characters so the max. is 6 digits behind the decimal
point but you should not use a resolution that is higher than the accuracy
of the system. The ADC produces 4092 discreet points. If you adjust the
measurement range via a voltage divider such that the max. expected input corresponds 1.1V at the ADC then you can estimate the max physical resolution
as: Max input voltage divided by 4092. E.g if you measure 0-10V then
your theoretical max. resolution (one ADC step) is 10V/4092=0.0024V.
Technical specifications:
Power: internally 5V DC, can be powered externally with 6.5-30V DC, consumes about 0.05A
Display hight: 5mm, this is the size of the actual characters on the display.
Size of the board: 5.25cm X 7.25cm (2.07x2.8 inch)
© Guido Socher,
2015-06-20, generated by tuxgrparser version 2.57